dimarts, 22 d’octubre del 2013


My hobby ,when I feel bored, is picking up my phone and calling my friends. I always try to organize friends meetings to play the  PS3 online with Skype or go to the park in Castelló or Roses. There are weekends I can't play the PS3 because I have a lot of homework. At weekends I can not play with my friends, I go to the Muga with my bicycle and get some fresh air. My conclusion is spending time with my friends and try to have a good day with them.

dimarts, 15 d’octubre del 2013


At the moment I don't have a dream. In the future I would like to a graphic designer, but it is very difficult and you need a lot of practise with the computer and also with the videogames. Even I'm still not sure if I want to be this, but is what would make do more excited. Also play the trumpet. Another of my dream istouch the trumpet in a big and famous orchestra. That before that I have to finish the studies but to be able fulfill my dreams.

dimarts, 8 d’octubre del 2013


I'm lucky because of my brother. My brother didn't finish fourth of ESO and now he works as a weiter. He helps me when I have work of school. sometimes he talk me about the life the advantages and the inconvenients. I like when my brother helps me with the work because I feel so good! There are times when my brother says to me "if you don't work now, the day of tomorrow you won't  have a job" I think he's right about this. 
Also I think why not talking about my father too? because they work a lot of hours every day. But also I love him a lot.

dimarts, 1 d’octubre del 2013


  • My summer in this year is not so good. Because last school year I didn't do the work and what a mess I got stuck with! But in the summer I decided do the retake work everyday. Well, sometimes I went to the beach and the pool. One day I went to September marks and I passed the exams. After I thougth...never it is going to happen again. And that's it! In the summer also I went to my friends house for play the videogames or go the cinema to watch a horror movies and i feel so good. Leave, before I go my father and my mother congratulate me for pass the exams! but they tolk me that sould not happen again. This is not my best summer but I learned a lot of things. My next summer it will be so better than last.